Property & Portfolio Analysis
Evaluate Your
Hotel or Portfolio
Revenue Generation has experts that bring extensive experience in the hospitality industry to inform your real estate strategy and maximize the value of your investment.
We Work With...
Individual Hotels
Management Companies
Ownership Groups
Real Estate Developers
Investment Firms
Other Leading Institutions
How Portfolio & Property Analysis Works
We provide guidance for repositioned, distressed, or underperforming hotels and find ways to turn the asset or portfolio around. We also provide detailed analysis on potential branding or brand changes.
We assess all available information including data, strategies, and structure and provide you with suggested strategies on finding hidden value and achieving your asset’s full potential.
We provide a detailed report on our findings and suggested areas of improvement that will take the subject hotel to the next level.
Our goal is to find ways to dramatically improve the financial results of your asset and set it on a course to continue to improve over time.
Examples Of Property & Portfolio Analysis
Portfolio and Asset Strategy Analysis
Acquisition and Development Analysis
Industry and Competitive Intelligence
Asset and Portfolio Optimization
Evaluation of Sales & Marketing
Sales deployment
Competition plans and incentives
Current sales strategies
Brand Optimization from a marketing and sales perspective
Digital Marketing Assessment
Revenue & Profitability Enhancement
Goal alignment amongst commercial disciplines
Detailed STR analysis
Channel mix and profitability assessment
Distribution and channel Strategy
Business evaluation process
Assess tools available to do analysis
Business Intel review and utilization
Evaluation of revenue meetings
Validate all forecasts and provide feedback on areas of risk and opportunity